Monday, January 18, 2010

Amenorrhea - Symptoms, Causes and Treatments Of Kidney Yin Deficiency Causes Of Fire Effulgence In TCM Perspective

Amenorrhea is defined as a health condition of absence of period
1. Primary amenrrhea
Women who are at age 18, but for what ever reason have never menstruated or
2. Secondary amenrrhea is defined as period beginning at the appropriate age, but later stops for more than 3 cycles.
Fire effulgence is defined as a health condition of yin vacuity as a result of yin deficiency over a prolonged period of time and the depletion l of yin essence, leading to yin/yang imbalance and yin can not control yang, due to aging, frequency sexual activity, repeat masturbation, etc resulting in amenrrhea in women.

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Increase Sperm Count Naturally
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Surgery Or Humiliating Medical Procedures

Pregnancy Miracle
Reverse Infertility And Get Pregnant Naturally
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I. Symptoms
1. Red face and lips
2. Insomnia
3. Dry mouth and throat
4. Burning sensation
5. Night sweats
6. dark urination; constipation. The
7. Red tongue body and little or no coating
8. fine and rapid pulse
9. Relentless
10. Etc.

II. Causes
1. Occupation
Women who work in a hot environment work place for a prolonged period of time will cause yin deficiency as the women body need to maintain the normal temperture by cooling down the body.

2. Unhealthy diet
Women who love to diet with high level of saturated fat and trans fat as well as drinking cold drink comes directly from the refrigerator are most likely to suffer kidney yin deficiency caused by excessive yang produced in the stomach's function in food absorption.

3. Spleen qi deficiency
Since spleen in charge of transformation qi and fluid in the body and to the other organ, damage of the spleen or stomach inability to provide enough yin for the productive organ to perform its normal menstrual cycle, cause prolonged yin phrase.

4. Aging
Since women are classified as yin in nature, aging causes depletion of kidney essence -the true yin in the body, leading to scanty period or amenorrhea and early menopause.

III. Treatments
A. With Herbs
1. Zhi mu (Anemarrhena)
the cold herb helps to moister dryness, clear heat, drain fire, nourish yin and generate fluid by smoothing the kidney, lung and stomach channels.

2. Shen di huang (Rehmannia)
The biiter and cold herb help to clear heat, cool blood, nourish yin and generate fluids.

3. Di gu pi (Lycium bark)
Di gu pi is a cold and sweet herb used in TCM in clearing heat, cooling blood and draining kidney fire.

4. Etc.

B. With acupuncture
Suggested acupuncture points
1. UB18
2. UB23 (Shen shu)
3. UB43 (Gan shu)
4. UB52 (Zhi shi)
5. GV4 (Ming men)
6. CV4 (Guan yang)
7. CV5 (Zhong wan)
8. CV6 (Qi hai)
9. CV9 ( Shui Fen)
10. KD3 (tai xi)
11. KD6 (Zhao hai)
12. KD7 (Fu liu)
13. UB52 (Zhi shi)
14. Etc.

C. With Foods
1. Sesame seed
2. Avocado
3. Banana
4. Black soya bean
5. Seaweed,
6. Sweet potato,
7. Tomato
8. Pistachio nuts
9. Lobster,
10. Mussel
11. Trout
12. Chicken
13. Lamb
14. Basil
15. Black pepper
17. Cinnamon bark
18. Garlic,
19. Ginger
20. Onion
21. Etc.

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Pregnancy Miracle
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Amenorrhea - Symptoms, Causes and Treatments Of Kidney Yang Deficiency Causes Of Water Effusion In TCM Perspective

Amenorrhea is defined as a health condition of absence of period
1. Primary amenrrhea
Women who are at age 18, but for what ever reason have never menstruated or
2. Secondary amenrrhea is defined as period beginning at the appropriate age, but later stops for more than 3 cycles.
Water effusion is defined as a health condition of fluid retention in the body as a result of prolonged period of yang vacuityand kidney's inability to move fluid upward in nourishing the upper part of the body, leading to abnormal yang phrase of menstrual cycle in women and increasing the risk of low sexual libido.

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Surgery Or Humiliating Medical Procedures

Pregnancy Miracle
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I. Symptoms
1. Water retention
2. Edema in lower extremities)
3. Frequent urination; obvious aversion to cold
4. Cold extremities
5. Sensation in chest with stuffing feeling
6. Shortness of breath
7. Asthma
8. Abdominal fullness
9. Tongue with a fat (fluid retention), pale, tooth-marked and a white and slippery coating10. deep and wiry or deep and fine pulse.

II. Causes
1.Cold and raw food diet
Eating cold foods for a prolonged period of time will cause kidney yang deficiency. Cold foods are yin in nature, after entering the stomach, our body needs to provide more yang to digest it that depletes the yang qi.

2. Frequent sexual activity
Frequent sexual activity may not affect the young men and women, because kidney essence is abundant, but you reach a certain age, kidney essence slowly deplete, leading to yang qi deficiency causing low sexual desire and distorting the normal menstrual cycle including amenorrhea.

3. Occupation
Working in a cold environment for a prolonged period of time will cause yang deficiency, as our body need to balance the normal body temperature by constantly producing heat to counter the cold.

4. Kidney qi deficiency
As the kidney's inability to move qi upward to the lung and through its channel and distribute fluid properly, it cause fluid retention in the lower part of the body and interfere with lung qi movement.

III. Treatments
Tonifying kidneyyang and clear fuilds
A. With Herbs
1. Xian mao (Grass rhizome)
The hot herb smooths the kidney and liver channels by tonifying kidney, strengthening yang, expelling cold, eliminating damp.

2. Ze xie (Water plantain root)
Ze xie has been used in traditional Chinese medicine in promoting urination, drains damp and fluid.

3. Zhu ling (Polyporus)
Zhu ling is a cool herb used to promotes urination, drains damp and water retention if it is used together with fu ling (poria).

B.With acupuncture
1. BL23 (Shen shu)
2. Ren 4 (Guan yuan)
3. BL 22 (San jiao shu)
4. Ren 9 (Zang fu)
5. BL20 (Pi shu)
6. ST 36 (Zu san lin)
7. Etc.

C. With Foods
1. Lamb
2. Onion
3. Pistachios
4. Garlic
5. Cabbage
6. Black pepper
7. Cinnamon bark
9. Ginger
10. Rosemary
11 Cayenne
12. Horse radish
13. Etc.

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Pregnancy Miracle
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Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine

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Amenorrhea - Symptoms, Causes and Treatments Of Kidneys Fail To Retain and Grasp Qi In TCM Perspective

Amenorrhea is defined as a health condition of absence of period
1. Primary amenrrhea
Women who are at age 18, but for what ever reason have never menstruated or
2. Secondary amenrrhea is defined as period beginning at the appropriate age, but later stops for more than 3 cycles.
If kidney fell to grasp and retain qi, it will cause abnormally uncontrollable fluid movement, and the qi does not flow upward to the lung, leading to respiratory problems, water retention and fluid stasis in the lower part of the body.

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I. Symptoms
1. Fatigue
2. Shortness of breath
3. Asthma
4. Pale complexion
5. Blue lips
6. Spontaneous sweating; general aversion to cold
7. Cold extremities
8. Weak or sore lower back
9. Pale tongue with white coating
10 Weak, or floating and uprooted pulse
11. Amenorrhea
12. Profuse menstruation
13. Etc.

II. Causes
1. Kidney qi deficiency
Causes of kidney fails to grasp and retain qi is a extreme case of prolonged kidney qi deficiency, leading to failure of kidney in receiving and descending qi from the lung, resulting in interference with movement of blood in the blood vessels.

2. Cold and raw foods diet
Stomach is important to digest food when it enter the body. If stomach qi is deficiency or can not digestive food properly due to intake of raw foods or cold foods, etc. for a prolonged period of time, it will cause less qi to be converted, resulting in lessening the function of spleen in qi formation and distribution.

3. Spleen
After food is digested by the stomach, food qi and essences are absorbed by spleen. Intake of certain food and weakened parental qi will cause spleen qi deficiency that leads to not enough qi to perform its function in assisting liver and lung in qi distribution to the body.

4. Liver
Liver is vital in blood formation and moving blood yin in blood vessels. If lung qi is deficient, it causes sluggish liver qi in moving blood to warm the uterus, leading to blood stasis and cold uterus.

5. Etc

III. Treatments
A. With Herbs
Tonifying Kidney yang and qi
1. Bu Gu Zhi
Bu gu zhi is also known as psoralea fruit and used in traditional Chinese medicine in treating blockage of meridian kidney-Spleen. It tonifies the yang qi by increasing the kidney function in assisting the function of lung qi and the function of spleen in qi distribution.

2. Lu rong
Lu rong is also known as deer antler, deer antler velvet, it is a great herb that helps to reduce the blockage of the meridian liver and kidney. Since yang qi deficiency is also caused blood deficiency, improving the body yang by strengthening the liver's function in blood formation and kidney's function in fluid distribution, it reduces the yang deficiency in the body.

3. Ren shen (Ginseng)
Ren shen is considered as one of most powerful herbs in strengthening the original qi in the body. Besides improving the spleen function in qi absorption, thus reducing the symptoms of distended chest and abdomen cramps and pain, it also enhances the lung qi by moistening the channels.

4. Xi yang shen (American ginseng)
Besides promoting the lung and spleen qi, it also increases the digestive system in absorbing vital energy and reducing the heat causes of qi stagnation by moistening the all qi transportation channels.

5. Etc.

B.With acupuncture
Suggested acupuncture points
1. ST36 (Zu san li)
2. SP6 (San yin jiao)
3. KD3 (Tai xi)
4. LU9 (Tai yuan)
5. UB23 (Shenshu)
6. GV4 (Ming men)
7. CV4(Guan yang)
8. CV6 (Qi hai)
9. KD7 (Fu liu)
10.. UB52 (Zhi shi)
11. Etc.

C. With Foods
1. Radish
2. Squash
3. Turnip
4. Cherry
5. Lychi
6. Peach
7. Strawberry
8. Pistachio nuts
9. Lobster
10. Cinnamon bark
11. Fennel seed
12. Garlic,
13. Ginger
14. Peppermint
15. Sage
16. White pepper
17. Jasmine tea
18. Etc.

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
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Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine

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Amenorrhea - Symptoms, Causes and Treatments Of Bilateral Kidney Yin & Yang Deficiency In TCM Perspective

Amenorrhea is defined as a health condition of absence of period
1. Primary amenrrhea
Women who are at age 18, but for what ever reason have never menstruated or
2. Secondary amenrrhea is defined as period beginning at the appropriate age, but later stops for more than 3 cycles.
Since kidneys store the essence and govern reproductive organs, bilateral kidney yin and yang deficiency is defined as a health condition of kidney deficiency with either domination of deficiency yang or yin as kidney fails to generate fluid and move fluid a long the kidney channels due to depletion of kidney essence.

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Pregnancy Miracle
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Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine

I. Symptoms
Symptoms can be either yang or yin deficiency
1. Dizziness; ringing in the ears; weak, sore, or
2. painful lower back and knees;
3. cold fingers and toes and/or burning sensations in palms and soles;
4. night sweats or spontaneous sweating.
5. Tongue can be either red, with little or no coating, or with a pale body and white coating
6. Pulse can be either fine and rapid, or deep, slow, and weak.
7. Etc.

II. Causes
1. Aging
Aging is always accompanied with the depletion of kidney essence. Some people age faster than other, if they don't look after their kidneys by supplementing with antiaging (healthy diet) diet. The depletion causes both deficiency of both yin and yang of the body including the kidney organs govern the the growth of the body.

2. Premature ovarian failure
Some women suffer from the POC's due to deficiency of kidney yin in stimulating the production of follicle due to early deplteion of kidney essence. Although we can not nourish the kidney essence, we help to restore the heaven qi.

3. Frequent sexual activity
We lost a little kidney essence, every time we engage in masturbation or sexual activity according to TCM, thus frequently sexual activity depletes the kidney faster leading to yin and yang deficiency resulting in amenorrhea.

4. Kidney failure or damage
Kidney failure or damage are the prime reason of bilaterial kidney ying and yang deficiency.

5. Etc.
III. Treatments
Depending to differentiation and domination, most herbs, acupuncture and diets used to treat bilateral are either toniying kidney yin and essence or yang and essence.
A. With Herbs
1. Shu di huang (Cooked rehmannia)
Beside enhancing the liver in blood formation, shu di huang has been used in traditional Chinese medicine in tonifying kidney yin and essence.

2. Qou qi zi (Chinese wolfberry)
The neutral herb is considered as one of super food by alternative medicine, it has been used in traditional Chinese medicine in tonifying kidney essence, nourishing the liver and kidney by smoothing the kidney and liver channels.

3. Nu zhen zi (Ligustrum)
By smoothing the kidney and liver channels, nu zheb zi enhances the liver and kidney yin and clear heat if you are diagnosis with subdominate yin causes of amenorrhea.

4. Tu si zi (Cuscuta)
Tu si zi besides enhances the function of kidney and liver by smoothing the qi flow in the kidney and liver channels, it also strengthen yin and secured kidney essence by improving function of spleen in food absorption.

5. Wu wei zi (Schizandra)
Beside help to improve the function of lung qi movement, wu wei zi also tonifies tonify kidney, and binds its essence.

6. Etc.

B.With acupuncture
Depending to differentiation
B.A.. Kidney essence and yang deficiency
Suggested acupuncture point
1. UB23 (Shen shu)
2. GV4 (Ming men)
3. CV4(Guan yang)
4. CV6 (Qi hai)
5. KD3 (Tai xi)
6. KD7 (Fu liu)
7. UB52 (Zhi shi)
8. KD6 (Zhao hai)
9. CV4 (Guan yuan)
10. GV20 (Bai hui)
11. GV39 (Jue gu)
12. UB11 (Da zhu)
13. Etc.

B.B. Kidney essence and yin deficiency
Suggested acupuncture points:
1. BL15 (Xin shu)
2. BL18 (Gan shu)
3. BL23 (Shen shu)
4. HT7 (Shen men)
5. LI3 (Tai chong) and
6. SP6 (San yin jiao)
7. KD3 (Tai xi)
8. KD6 (Zhao hai)
9. CV4 (Guan yuan)
10. GV4 (Ming men)
11. GV20 (Bai hui)
12. GV39 (Jue gu)
13. UB11 (Da zhu)
14. Etc.

9. Etc.

C. With Foods
C.A. Kidney essence and yang deficiency
1. Sprouts
2. Mungbeans
3. Radish
4. Shelled sunflower
5. Soybean;
6. Whole sunflower
7. Whole grains
8. Leafy green vegetables
9. Fresh-made juice
10. Sea weeds
11. Radish
12. Squash
13. Turnip
14. Cherry,
15. Lychi
16. Peach
17. Strawberry
18. Pistachio nuts
19. Lobster,
20. Mussel
21. Trout
22. Chicken
23. Lamb
24. Basil
25. Black pepper
27. Cinnamon bark
28. Garlic,
29. Ginger
30. Onion
31. Etc.

C.B. Kidney essence and yin deficiency
1. Sprouts
2. Mungbeans
3. Radish
4. Shelled sunflower
5. Soybean;
6. Whole sunflower
7. Whole grains
8. Leafy green vegetables
9. Fresh-made juice
10. Sea weeds
11. Kelp
12. Potato
13. Tomato
14. Yam
15. Avocado
16. Lemon
17. Pear
18. Pineapple
19. Watermelon
20. Black beans
21. Coconut milk
22. All Fishes
23. Fresh water clam, and crab
24. Oyster
25. Beef
26. Pork
27. Pork kidney
28. Chicken egg
29. Honey
30. Etc.

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Amenorrhea - Symptoms, Causes and Treatments Of Kidney Jing (Essnece) Deficiency In TCM Perspective

Amenorrhea is defined as a health condition of absence of period
1. Primary amenrrhea
Women who are at age 18, but for what ever reason have never menstruated or
2. Secondary amenrrhea is defined as period beginning at the appropriate age, but later stops for more than 3 cycles.
Kidney jing (essence) jing can be divided in to prenatal and postnatal jing. Aging is the natural process due to depletion of kidney jing, we can not change the prenatal jing, but we can supplement the prenatal jing by taking healthy foods and herbs that help to delay the depletion of jing causes of aging and diseases.

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Pregnancy Miracle
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I. Symptoms
1. Dizziness
2. Weak or sore lower back
3. Amenorrhea
4. Infertility
5. Loss of memory
6. Hair loss
7. Dull facial expressions
8. Early aging
9. Etc.

II. Causes
1. Aging
As we age, so as our kidney. The depletion of kidney essence decrease slowly with aging, leading to menopause in women, but for women in their child bearing age, it may cause absence of period.

2. Frequent sexual activity
Since kidneys are organs governed the reproductive system, every time you engage in sexual activity, you deplete you kidney essence. If it can not be replaced by kidney heaven qi tonifying herb, it causes kidney essence deficiency.

3. Unhealthy diet
Unhealthy diet and consuming cold, raw food cause, greasy and hot foods for a prolonged period of time cause the inability of spleen in food absorption and faster than normal depletion of kidney essence. leading to early aging and menopause. For women in their child bearing year, it causes menstrual cycle disorder.

4. Etc.

III. Treatments
A. With herbs
1. Lycium fruit (Gou qi zi or Qi zi)
Lycium fruit has been used in TCM as a blood tonic and blood circulatory system enhancer. The berries are also excellent in use to smooth the liver and kidney channels

2 Ecommia (Du zhong)
It is also known ecommia bark, it is one the most used herb to enhance the function of meridian kidney-liver by promoting the qi and blood formation. Since the liver is a organ in charge of blood storing and blood formation and kidney is in charge of fluid regulation, it increases blood flow to the entire body and reduces fluid accumulated in the body, thus enhancing yang.

3. Cistanche (Rou cong rong)
Cistanche used in traditional Chinese medicine for reducing the blockage of kidney-large intestine meridian, thereby increasing the kidney function in increasing blood circulation to warm the uterus, assisting urinary secretion and digestive system in moving waste, resulting in lessening the fluid retention and amenorrhea.

4. Etc.

B. with acupuncture
Suggested acupuncture points
1. KD3 (Tai xi)
2. KD6 (Zhao hai)
3. CV4 (Guan yuan)
4. GV4 (Ming men)
5. GV20 (Bai hui)
6. GV39 (Jue gu)
7. UB11 (Da zhu)
8. UB23 (Shen shu)
9. Etc.

C. With foods
1. Sprouts
2. Mungbeans
3. Radish
4. Shelled sunflower
5. Soybean;
6. Whole sunflower
7. Whole grains
8. Leafy green vegetables
9. Fresh-made juice
10. Sea weeds
11. Etc.
Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
Reverse Infertility And Get Pregnant Naturally
Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine

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Amenorrhea - Symptoms, Causes and Treatments Of Kidney Qi Deficiency In TCM Perspective

Amenorrhea is defined as a health condition of absence of period
1. Primary amenrrhea
Women who are at age 18, but for what ever reason have never menstruated or
2. Secondary amenrrhea is defined as period beginning at the appropriate age, but later stops for more than 3 cycles.
Deficiency of kidney qi can slow the function of kidney in water distribution, growth, leading to dampness accumulation in the lower part of the body, and the under layers of skin and hearing loss, sexual dysfunction, loss of sexual desire, etc.

Recommended Reading
Increase Sperm Count Naturally
With Male Fertility Success, No Drugs,
Surgery Or Humiliating Medical Procedures

Pregnancy Miracle
Reverse Infertility And Get Pregnant Naturally
Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine

I. Symptoms
1. Dizziness
2. Ringing in the ears
3. Weak or sore lower back
4. Fatigue
5. Pale complexion
5. Frequent urination
6. Premature ejaculation in men
7. Asthmatic panting upon exertion
8. Weak legs
9. Water retention in the legs
10. Poor appetite
11. Loose stools
12. Amenorrhea
13. Etc.

II. Causes
1. Cold and raw foods diet
Stomach is important to digest food when it enter the body. If stomach qi is deficiency or can not digestive food properly due to intake of raw foods or cold foods, etc. for a prolonged period of time, it will cause less qi to be converted, resulting in lessening the function of spleen in qi formation and distribution.

2. Spleen
After food is digested by the stomach, food qi and essences are absorbed by spleen. Intake of certain food and weakened parental qi will cause spleen qi deficiency that leads to not enough qi to perform its function in assisting liver and lung in qi distribution to the body.

3. Liver
Liver is vital in blood formation and moving blood yin in blood vessels. If lung qi is deficient, it causes sluggish liver qi in moving blood to warm the uterus, leading to blood stasis and cold uterus.

4. Etc.
III. treatments
A. With herbs
1. Ren shen (Ginseng)
Ren shen is considered as one of most powerful herbs in strengthening the original qi in the body. Besides improving the spleen function in qi absorption, thus reducing the symptoms of distended chest and abdomen cramps and pain, it also enhances the lung qi by moistening the channels.

2. Xi yang shen (American ginseng)
Besides promoting the lung and spleen qi, it also increases the digestive system in absorbing vital energy and reducing the heat causes of qi stagnation by moistening the all qi transportation channels.

3. Dang shen (Pilose asiabell root)
Dang shen is a spleen and lung tonic herbs. It improves the lung function in moving qi smoothly through its channels and spleen function in absorbing qi after foods entering the stomach.

4. Etc.

B. With Acupuncture
Suggested acupuncture points
1. ST36 (Zu san li)
2. SP6 (San yin jiao)
3. KD3 (Tai xi)
4. LU9 (Tai yuan)
5. Etc.

C. With Foods
1. Sweet potato
2. Watercress
3. Cherry
4. Chestnuts
5. Walnuts
6. Mussel
7. Lamb
8. Basil,
9. Black pepper
10. Cinnamon bark
11. Fennel seed
12. Garlic,
13. Ginger
14. Peppermint
15. Sage
16. White pepper
17. Jasmine tea
18. Etc.

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
Reverse Infertility And Get Pregnant Naturally
Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine

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Amenorrhea - Symptoms, Causes and Treatments Of Kidney Yin Deficiency In TCM Perspective

Kidney yin deficiency is defined as a condition of the yang is not rising. Since kidney is one of organ governed the reproductive system and regulates the production of certain hormones during the process of menstrual cycle, deficiency of kidney yin distorts each step of the reductive function in phrase I, leading to prolonged yin phrase.

Recommended Reading
Increase Sperm Count Naturally
With Male Fertility Success, No Drugs,
Surgery Or Humiliating Medical Procedures

Pregnancy Miracle
Reverse Infertility And Get Pregnant Naturally
Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine

I. Symptoms
1. Feeling hot in palms and soles
2. Heat sensations;
3. Night sweats
4. Flushed face; emaciated features;
6. Dry mouth
7. Premature gray hair
8. Hot flush
9. Vagina dryness
10. Scanty cervical mucus
11. Amenorrhea or decreased menstrual flow and
12. Infertility in females and low sperm count in men
13. Etc.

II. Causes
1. Occupation
Women who work in a hot environment work place for a prolonged period of time will cause yin deficiency as the women body need to maintain the normal temperture by cooling down the body.

2. Unhealthy diet
Women who love to diet with high level of saturated fat and trans fat as well as drinking cold drink comes directly from the refrigerator are most likely to suffer kidney yin deficiency caused by excessive yang produced in the stomach's function in food absorption.

3. Spleen qi deficiency
Since spleen in charge of transformation qi and fluid in the body and to the other organ, damage of the spleen or stomach inability to provide enough yin for the productive organ to perform its normal menstrual cycle, cause prolonged yin phrase.

4. Aging
Since women are classified as yin in nature, aging causes depletion of kidney essence -the true yin in the body, leading to scanty period or amenorrhea and early menopause.

III. Treatments
A. With herbs
1. Chinese angelica roots (Dong qui)
It is one of most effective blood tonic herb. Whenever there are qi deficiency, it also causes blood deficiency.

2. Rehmannia glutinosa (Shu di huang)
It is one of the good herb for tonifying blood, nourishing yin and blood and enriching kidney essence.

3. Ligustrum lucidum (Nu zhen zi)
Nu zhen zi is good for liver and kidney tonification and clearing heat due to yin deficiency.

4. Morus Albus (Sang shen)
The herbs is most used in nourishing yin, tonifying blood and promoting the generation of body fluids
B. With acupuncture
Suggested acupuncture points:
1. BL15 (Xin shu)
2. BL18 (Gan shu)
3. BL23 (Shen shu)
4. HT7 (Shen men)
5. KD3(Tai Xi) and
6. LI3 (Tai chong) and
7. SP6 (San yin jiao)
8. Etc.

C. With foods
1. Kelp
2. Potato
3. Tomato
4. Yam
5. Avocado
6. Lemon
7. Pear
8. Pineapple
9. Watermelon
10. Black beans
11. Coconut milk
12. All Fishes
13. Fresh water clam, and crab
14. Oyster
15. Beef
16. Pork
17. Pork kidney
18. Chicken egg
19. Honey
20. Etc.

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
Reverse Infertility And Get Pregnant Naturally
Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine

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Amenorrhea - Symptoms, Causes and Treatments Of Kidney Yang Deficiency In TCM Perspective

In traditional Chinese medicine is defined as a organ in charge of storing kidney essence, will, determination, and power of memory, water distribution, bone marrow, spinal and brain marrow, graping qi and bladder as well as hearing , and 2 private parts. Imbalance of kidney sometime can be caused by kidney yang deficiency due to intake of raw and cold foods, rigid exercise, frequent ejaculation, etc., leading to dampness accumulation that can manifest to damp heat, leading to phlegm.

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I. Symptoms
1. Low sexual desire
2. Lower back and knee pain
3. Diarrhea
4. Frequent urination
5. Clear and profuse urination
6. Difficulty urinating, and
7. Edema
8. Sexual dysfunction
9. Premature ejaculation
10. Infertility
11. Clear vaginal discharge
12. No ovulation for some women
13. Etc.

II. Causes
1. Colding effect
Eating cold foods for a prolonged period of time will cause kidney yang deficiency. Cold foods are yin in nature, after entering the stomach, our body needs to provide more yang to digest it that depletes the yang qi.

2. Frequent sexual activity
Frequent sexual activity may not affect the young men and women, because kidney essence is abundant, but you reach a certain age, kidney essence slowly deplete, leading to yang qi deficiency causing low sexual desire and distorting the normal menstrual cycle including amenorrhea.

3. Occupation
Working in a cold environment for a prolonged period of time will cause yang deficiency, as our body need to balance the normal body temperature by constantly producing heat to counter the cold.

4. Etc.
III. Treatments
A. With Herbs
1. Bu Gu Zhi
Bu gu zhi is also known as psoralea fruit and used in traditional Chinese medicine in treating blockage of meridian kidney-Spleen. It tonifies the yang qi by increasing the kidney function in assisting the function of lung qi and the function of spleen in qi distribution.

2. Lu rong
Lu rong is also known as deer antler, deer antler velvet, it is a great herb that helps to reduce the blockage of the meridian liver and kidney. Since yang qi deficiency is also caused blood deficiency, improving the body yang by strengthening the liver's function in blood formation and kidney's function in fluid distribution, it reduces the yang deficiency in the body.

3. Du Zhong
It is also known ecommia bark, it is one the most used herb to enhance the function of meridian kidney-liver by promoting the qi and blood formation. Since the liver is a organ in charge of blood storing and blood formation and kidney is in charge of fluid regulation, it increases blood flow to the entire body and reduces fluid accumulated in the body, thus enhancing yang.

4. Etc.

B. With acupuncture
Suggested acupuncture points
1. UB23 (Shenshu)
2. GV4 (Mingmen)
3. CV4(Guanyang)
4. CV6 (Qihai)
5. KD3 (taixi)
6. KD7 (Fuliu)
7. UB52 (Zhishi)

C. With Foods
1. Radish
2. Squash
3. Turnip
4. Cherry,
5. Lychi
6. Peach
7. Strawberry
8. Pistachio nuts
9. Lobster,
10. Mussel
11. Trout
12. Chicken
13. Lamb
14. Basil
15. Black pepper
17. Cinnamon bark
18. Garlic,
19. Ginger
20. Onion
21. Etc.

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Amenorrhea - Types Of Kidney Deficiency Causes of Amenorrhea In TCM Perspective

Amenorrhea is defined as a health condition of absence of period
1. Primary amenrrhea
Women who are at age 18, but for what ever reason have never menstruated or
2. Secondary amenrrhea is defined as period beginning at the appropriate age, but later stops for more than 3 cycles.

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In traditional Chinese medicine TCM, kidney defieciency can be classified as
1. Kidney yang deficiency
In traditional Chinese medicine is defined as a organ in charge of storing kidney essence, will, determination, and power of memory, water distribution, bone marrow, spinal marrow, and brain marrow, graping qi and bladder as well as hearing , and 2 private parts. Imbalance of kidney sometime can be caused by kidney yang deficiency due to intake of raw and cold foods, rigid exercise, frequent ejaculation, etc., leading to dampness accumulation that can manifest to damp heat, leading to phlegm.

2. Kidney yin deficiency
Imbalance of Kidney is defined as a health condition of Kidney Qi Deficiency, Yin Deficiency, Yang Deficiency or Jing Deficiency.
Kidney, in traditional Chinese medicine is defined as a organ in charge of storing kidney essence (jing), will, determination, and power of memory, water distribution, bone marrow, spinal marrow, and brain marrow, graping qi and bladder as well as hearing , and 2 private parts.
Deficiency of kidney yin can distort the function of kidney in water distribution, growth, leading to damp- heat and moving fluid and qi upward.

3. Kidney qi deficiency
Deficiency of kidney qi can distort the function of kidney in water distribution, growth, leading to dampness accumulation in the lower part of the body, and under layer of the skin and hearing loss, sexual dysfunction, loss of sexual desire, etc.

4. Kidney Jing deficiency
In traditional Chinese medicine is defined as a organ in charge of storing kidney essence, will, determination, and power of memory, water distribution, bone marrow, spinal marrow, and brain marrow, graping qi and bladder as well as hearing , and 2 private parts. Kidney jing (essence) jing can be divided in to prenatal and postnatal jing. Aging is the natural process due to depletion of kidney jing, we can not change the prenatal jing, but we can supplement the pre with the postnatal jing by taking foods and herbs which can delay the depletion of jing and aging.

5. Bilateral kidney yin and yang deficiency
Since kidneys store the essence and govern reproduction, bilateral kidney yin and yang deficiency is defined as a health condition of kidney fails to generate fluid and move fluid a long the kidney channels due to insufficiency of kidney essence or kidney vacuous.

6. Kidney fells to grape and retain qi
If kidney fell to grape and retain qi, it will cause abnormally uncontrollable fluid movement, and the qi does not flow upward to the lung, leading to respiratory problems, water retention and fluid stasis in the lower part of the body.

7. Kidney Yang deficiency causes of water effusion
Water effusion is defined as a health condition of prolonged period of yang vacuity, as a result of kidney's inability to move fluid upward in nourishing the upper part of the body, leading to abnormal yang phrase of menstrual cycle in women and increasing the risk of low sexual libido.

8. Kidney Yin deficiency causes of fire effulgence
Fire effulgence is defined as a health condition of yin vacuity as a result of yin deficiency over a prolonged period of time, as a result of loss of yin essence, leading to yin/yang imbalance and yin can not control yang, due to aging, frequency sexual activity, repeat masturbation, etc resulting in amenrrhea in women and sexual dysfunction in both.

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